I’m going to DWeb Camp 2024! So excited. It’s 4 days of talks, workshops, hacking and music organized by the Internet Archive. The theme is Migration: Moving Together. Participants are asked to prepare a “migration memento” which will be burried in a time capsule for 24 years. I prepared mine in advance. Since it’s intended to be a physical object, I typed my story as a printed document. To save me the trouble of updating my skills to contemporary web design. I printed a PDF on paper and uploaded it so my dear readers can download.

Here is my schedule for the event. Looking forward to the Karaoke Deth Machine, learning about Nostr, open source AI models, sound baths, head mounted displays, community mesh networks, online identity and more!

And dear reader if you downloaded and read my PDF, here’s a link to that bananas video I mention so you don’t have to wait 24 years.